In the comfortable recliner area, the recliner places are clearly indicated by the ergonomic hole pattern. The air rising from the air supply lance underneath flows through these perforations around the pool guests who are relaxing. Due to the distance of the air lance to the reclining area, the air has sufficient time to adopt the pool water temperature. In the neck area, an air-filled pillow ensures comfort.
The diameter of the individual slots in the hole pattern is smaller than 8 mm and ensures that no body jewellery can be lost.
The whirl beds are constructed as an enclosed structural body.
To minimise cleaning work, the whirl beds can be folded.
With decades of experience, hsb builds swimming pools made from stainless steel. In the process, we have developed solutions that are simply better for specific issues in the fields of technology, planning, production and assembly. This experience has a significant impact on the durability and quality of our stainless steel swimming pools, as well as on the enjoyment of the pool users. Under the heading of hsb specials we have provided an overview of the key technical features.